Chaotique Magazine Vol.6

Chaotique Magazine vol 6 Dreamland 

Here we are again my lovely friends, nearing the end of another year. It seems time just keeps moving faster every year, we blink and the calendar changes from January to December. 2024 for me was a year more chaotic and crazy then I anticipated with life throwing some curve balls and a few home runs its been more difficult then usual to keep the blog updated and continue working on large projects, however in 2025 we are not going to make excuses we are going to make ART. It is our duty as artists to cover the world in expression, beauty, and light, especially when its been so dark out. So without further ado I would like to reintroduce you all to Chaotique Magazine. To refresh your minds this magazine is completely independently published by yours truly. It is a labor of love that I hope provides a space for artists of any genre to share their work with the world. I include as many forms or art as I possibly can submitted from artists all over the world, from photography and paintings, to song lyrics and tattoos anything that can be contained to a page is welcome here. I try to choose from the pieces submitted, ones that best reflect the theme. If you submit work that is not chosen for this volume it may be used for another in the future. This project is done with the environment in mind, and in an effort to produce less waste in landfills this is a pre order exclusive. It is printed in one large batch when pre orders close and is limited to one print run it will not be re-released for print in the future.

To all artists wanting to submit work for consideration, if chosen I strongly encourage you to use your artist discount ( given upon preorder release) to purchase copies and sell at your own price and discretion as I hope we can all find little ways to profit from the hard work. This is a Print exclusive only artists will be given a PDF digital copy to keep and use as they wish. 

Now that you’re caught up on the logistics lets get into the fun part, the theme of Volume 6!! 

This one is a little different from past volumes that have more a darker vibe, Volume 6 will be. “Dreamland”.

I am looking for all kinds of art inspired by your dreams and nightmares. This is a vast category that is open to your interpretation, it can be a dream you’ve had while asleep, day dreams, night terrors, art that feels dreamy or looks like nightmare fuel. It is a theme I feel we can all connect to and one I hope to see displayed across these pages in many unconventional ways. 

So please take this theme and run wild with it, use it as a reason to create something new or dig out something old from your archives. 

Submissions are officially open today November 8th and Close December 30th. Pre orders open the first week of January and close Feb 1st. Copies of the magazine will be shipped directly from me once they arrive from printing company. 

So here’s to a new year, a new magazine and a lot chaotique dreams. 

Stay weird, All the love, 



Happy New Year!


Abandoned section of a Notorious New England Prison