Happy New Year!

Here we are, another brand new year! 365 Oppturnites to create, to be strange, to do something. To reflect on 2024, it was very on-brand, and chaotic. I’d like to say I'm satisfied with the work I produced but honestly many of the small projects I had time to work on felt rather empty. Typically when coming up with shoot concepts I put a lot of thought into it, there’s a meaning behind it, and somehow in all the mess that was last year I felt some of that was lost. Instead of resolutions, I make goals, and one of my biggest goals is to put the soul back into my art, to dive deeper into art, and to create projects that evoke thought. So that being said I hope those of you who have stuck with me through these years in art will enjoy the projects I have in mind. I’ll be starting a photo series I have tossed around my brain for a long time, one that would likely get me banned from social media so that will be released on this website only! I am bringing back Chaotique Magazine with the first issue of 2025 in the works, simply because I enjoy it (and a few of you have been asking for it), pre-orders will open in about two weeks. In my quest to learn as much as I can about art, I’ll be continuing to attend photography class via Zoom with PLC and working on several projects in relation to that. The independent movie I did SFX makeup on will be released this year and premiered at a local theater with more info on that to come. It’s set to hopefully be a wonderfully busy year, maybe we’ll even find time to sneak in a road trip. I hope whatever you choose to do with your 365 days is weird and wonderfully chaotic.


Chaotique Magazine Vol.6 is available for pre-order now


Chaotique Magazine Vol.6